central florida
bonsai club.

The Central Florida Bonsai Club is an organization started by individuals with a passion and a curiosity for Bonsai.
Therefore it is our main purpose to provide training, inspiration and examples on how to develop bonsai and to care for their well being.
You will find that we are a friendly club and are very forthcoming with our techniques and ideas on bonsai.

Become a Member
Joining the CFBC is easy. Just attend any of our meetings or workshops and pay the membership dues to the treasurer or mail them.
Celebrating 50 Years
On May 1, 1969 a group of twelve men and women, with a common interest in the Art of Bonsai, met at the home of Reuben Meirhenry in Winter Park, Florida. By July, club officers were chosen, and it was decided that those joining in the month of July, 1969 would be considered charter members. CFBC joined Bonsai Clubs. The club is still going strong today!
October Care
With October’s shorter days and possibly cooler temperatures, plants will not be needing as much water. Keep a close eye on the plant’s water requirements making sure they are not over watered in order to prevent root rot. Water plants early in the day so the leaves will be dry when going into the night hours, thus decreasing the chance of any leave fungus.
Next Meeting
Each month, CFBC hosts a demo/meeting and a workshop. The demo meetings are generally the 3rd Saturday of the month, at 10am, at the UF/IFAS Center (6021 S Conway Rd, Orlando, FL 32812).
If held elsewhere, it will be notated on the flyer for the event and below. Please check the calendar for meeting updates.
Meeting Notes